
Some content you can download from the virtual Christmas market is provided as .zip folders or .exe files. Your browser might block downloading them and your operating system might block opening them. Here’s what you can do if you’re using Chrome and Windows.

Downloading files using Chrome

Chrome might block downloads warning you that “this file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous”. If you wish to download it anyway right-click the arrow symbol and select Keep.

Opening files using Windows

Should windows block our apps you can click on more info and run anyway.

Why are files and apps being marked suspicious?

.exe files or .zip folders might contain content that is harmful to your computer. We assure you that this is not the case with downloads we’re offering – but then again, why would we claim anything else? Chrome marks them as suspicious because this website has only few visitors and therefore those files haven’t been download very often. Windows blocks all apps which don’t have the right signature. Adding a signature can be expensive which is why we don’t do it. We hope this information helps. Should you have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.